C r e a t i o n
a word that states a beginning a new start!
The beginning of a game,
The beginning of a song,
The dawn of a new day,
The beginning of an era,
The start of a new life!!
Our aims
For the development of your child!
Creation points to the beginning of all beauty in life, the beginning of a game, a song, the dawn of a new day, an era, the beginning of a dream, of a new life.
Internal balance
StoryLearn more
With this successful combination of experience, enthusiasm and specialization, always with worthy partners, Creation continues its ambitious effort to upgrade the quality of preschool education.
At our schoolLearn more
In our school, we respect every child as a unique person and we focus on education through creative thinking. Through the Arts and the development of imagination, we promote the notion of creativity on each child.
Learn everything you need!!
For our program!!
We are inspired by the Montessori and Reggio Emilia methods, and thus boost creativity through liberty, freedom of choice and cooperation, specially though the use of communicative arts. Every child is free to develop the knowledge he/she wants, within a framework of cooperative learning and dialogue.
is the basis for the development of every child and is a period of preparation, organization and evolution of specific functions.
It helps every child to:
- Socialize, learn to respect others and himself/herself
- Be a part of a team, learn to cooperate with patience
- Mature emotionally, by recognizing and expressing his/her emotions and by developing their emotional intelligence and strengthen their critical thinking.
- To foster empathy.
- To strengthen their creativity and imagination.
- To discover and deploy their individual skills with total freedom within a secure, pleasant and creative space.